martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

- Byron Lee - Another Legend Gone. R.I.P

Byron Lee passed away today at the age of 73. Mr. Lee was a great influence in the development of modern Reggae. His band started in the early 50's playing Mento the sound of Jamaica at the time. In the late 50's Jamaica was to gain its independence and a sample of the music went on tour. Byron Lee's band was to play to the world the new sound of Jamaica.... Ska. Although Mr. Lee is more known for playing Soca, he was a key to the start of Ska/Rocksteady. Enjoy a video of varoious artist playing in the worlds fair tour exibiting the Ska Music. Byron Lee and the Dragonairs playing thier hearts away.

Rest in Peace!

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Lee "Scratch" Perry - Chicken Scratch

Awesome early Perry doing what he does best. I often listen to this album it has a ton of catchy tunes.



A Northern Soul Obsession Vol. 2

You dont see to many Okeh compilations, so I offer you this one. It has a ton of great hits..

Casi no se ven compilaciónes de la marca Okeh. Les va a gustar.
