viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008


I miss these guys so fucking much! Ever since I got into Ska and Rocksteady, Hepcat has been here in Los Angeles. I remember like it was yesterday when I first saw them back in 1991. They didnt even have a record out at that time. I attended the Out of Nowhere record release party @ The Palamino club. The first show with my future wife was a Hepcat gig. Back when they played Dizzy Deb's evey Wednesday night I was there... no matter what came up in the week.

I have had the pleasure to meet and chat with them in the past and I hope that one day, we will be able to see Hepcat play again because if you havent seen them live.... you just dont know what you have missed. Hepcat is Los Angeles Ska/Rocksteady!

It is a damn shame that there is no good video of the complete band out there. :(

RIP.. Dave Fuentes

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